Michelle GIRTS '70, Environmental Scientist

他是一位敬业的环境科学家,曾在企业和研究机构工作, 70岁的Michelle GIRTS已经围绕技术和人才建立了35年的成功企业. Prior to her retirement, 米歇尔曾在俄勒冈科学与工业博物馆和波特兰水务局担任环境科学技术专家,为水质实验室测试收集样本, programming data analysis, 审查和报告整个系统的水质状况以及流域活动的影响. 之后,她在一家工程公司担任环境科学家, CH2M Hill, where she developed and commercialized the innovative, low-cost treatment technology of engineered wetlands. Since her retirement, Michelle has been named to the Clark County Clean Water Commission, is an active volunteer in her local community, a master gardener, 在业余时间和丈夫驾驶一架西锐单引擎飞机.

Years at Ellis
Grade 10 to Grade 12
B.S. Biology, Portland State University; M.S. Biology, West Virginia University; All But Dissertation (ABD) towards Ph.D. Water Resources Engineering, Oregon State University
Vancouver, WA

How did you get into your line of work?

我在CH2M HILL工程公司做了27年的环境和湿地科学家咨询, which employed 3,500 engineers and scientists when I was hired and more than 40,000 at its peak. I progressed through the career path of technical specialist, project and client manager, marketing manager, area office manager, and ultimately director of a global, 我向首席执行官汇报的全公司项目.

Prior to CH2M Hill, 我在俄勒冈科学与工业博物馆工作,做计算机数据库管理和编程. 然后,我在波特兰州立大学完成了生物学本科课程,同时在波特兰市水务局担任环境科学技术专家. 这是我和一个朋友在湿地为大自然保护协会做的一些志愿工作的结果, wetlands became my ecosystem of specialty. I worked for the federal government in the Library Research Center, Bureau of Mines, developing the technology of wetland treatment systems for mine drainage. But I soon realized that I wanted a broader range of applied experience, 所以我找到了最好的工程公司,通过它我可以和最优秀的工程师一起设计, build, and operate the best wetland systems.

Because I was a developer and marketer of a novel technology, as I progressed in my career, 我以创新的系统思维和与公司许多部门的人合作启动新项目和计划的能力而闻名. 我被要求考虑领导一个以前失败过几次的项目, 试图抓住CH2M HILL富有创造力的员工在为客户解决问题时使用的创新想法并将其货币化. 答应这个机会是非常冒险的,因为公司的几位领导人之前都没能开发出一个成功的项目, and also because I knew that in doing so, 我将不得不切断与地区组织和商业集团的联系(至少一段时间). In the final reckoning, 该项目确实提高了人们对有价值创新的认识和保护(获得了可量化的收益)。, and several inventions did realize monetary benefits for the company.

What lessons did your work life teach you?
我认为最重要的教训是要时刻寻找打开的门, or ways to make a door open, 并详尽地评估任何机会,以及如何修改这个机会来适应, before contemplating saying "no".

对于读这篇文章的澳门新葡新京官方的学生:你有什么智慧想要传递给他们吗? What would you want them to know?
Ask questions of those who have gone before you and listen thoughtfully, not for advice, 而是要学习不同的可能方法,并能够根据自己的价值观选择最好的道路, capabilities, and interests. 在提出问题后接受机会,即使它们并不完全符合你的“计划”。. Be yourself—it is really the only way you will succeed and be happy.

What do you think are the advantages to Ellis’ all-girls environment?
It allows girls to find their own path, undeterred by the status quo, and to learn to work together to reinforce, invigorate, and nourish women's capabilities. 它坚持使用适合女孩的教学方法,同时培养她们成为当前和未来世界舞台上的团队成员和领导者.

我们经常谈论女孩们在澳门新葡新京官方发展她们的声音,这对你来说意味着什么? How do you use your voice?
澳门新葡新京官方提供了一个女孩可以说话和听到她们和其他女性声音的环境, thoughts, and approaches. 为女孩提供一个可以测试各种语言交流方法的环境, persuasion, proposing problem solutions, giving feedback, etc. 看看什么能达到他们想要的结果,这对他们未来的成功至关重要. I use my voice in many ways: to inform, persuade, question, console, encourage, 我还在学习在任何情况下什么是最有效的. Mostly, 生活强化了我在澳门新葡新京官方学到的东西:一个人必须在正确的时间发表意见,并尊重所有的演讲者和听众, and listen thoughtfully to their voice too.

如果不是我在登山和攀岩流行前几年就学会了, 在我的职业生涯和个人生活中,许多“大胆的举动”是不可能实现的. My love of the alpine biology, geology, and vistas led me to undertake training to climb safely, to mitigate my fear. The rigor and dedication involved in gaining strength and endurance, learning that my body had capabilities and capacity I hadn't tapped, grew a sturdy platform of significant self-confidence. 与攀岩伙伴建立信任关系也帮助我欣赏团队合作的付出和收获. My climbing experiences culminated in a women's expedition to Peru, a reward to myself for earning my bachelor’s degree. I think it is important to always be learning, 尝试一些可能不认为自己是“天生的”的活动, and more recently for me that is piloting a single-engine airplane.

How did Ellis stimulate your intellectual curiosity and creativity? 
澳门新葡新京官方拓宽了我对世界的认识,超越了教科书和社区——它是我获得新想法的跳板, cultures, and geographies. I was exposed to the breadth and depth of artistic, literature, 通过澳门新葡新京官方的课程以及在小班教学中与老师的交流,发掘历史潜力. Ellis teachers insisted that I ask why, and why not? 这是我有幸经历过的最刺激的环境之一.

What is the most important lesson you learned at Ellis?

How would you describe yourself in three words?
Curious. Energetic. Determined.

How do you spend your free time?
Hiking, gardening, flying, volunteering, and genealogy research. These days I'm Zoom host for many of these endeavors! I want to learn watercolor painting and refresh my stained glass creating, 但之前的一些清单将不得不结束,否则这一天将需要变得更长.